– I’ve been using Nookazon for the past couple of weeks and loving it! I used to be part of an Animal Crossing Discord group but nobody longer talks about Animal Crossing on there anymore so I decided to try Nookazon and it’s really handy if you’re looking to catalog items in all the colors. You can check out my Nookazon account here.
– I finally started watching Squid Game after weeks of hype. I’m only on episode 3 but I’m loving it so far. Have you seen Squid Game yet?
– Nintendo announced earlier this week that the Animal Crossing New Horizon Nintendo Direct is next Friday! It’s on Brewster’s birthday as well! I’m beyond excited! I’ll be counting down the days until October 15th.
– There are two new reels over on my Instagram! I’ve actually been enjoying recording reels which is a huge surprise to me as well! 😂
– Trying my best to not let low engament on my posts get to me. I know numbers shouldn’t matter but it sometimes it really does. I love creating content online but a lot of the times I feel like no one cares about anything I post and just want to quit. If you’re reading this then you’re amazing and thank you for taking time out of your day to visit my blog. 💖
– Sabrina Spellman will be returning but this time to Riverdale… I tried watching Riverdale a few years ago but couldn’t get into it. Plus, there are 6 seasons so… I actually never finished watching the final season of The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina so that’s another thing to add to my watchlist.
– Lucy has her first training class today! Lucy is pretty much perfect but she has trouble behaving in front of guests so I’m hoping that these classes will help her. Wish us luck! 🐶
Posts from the week
Major Arcana (Part 1)♥ Tarot 101
The Libra New Moon 2021

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