What happened this week
I know it isn’t Friday but just think of this as a very late Dear Diary blog post! I flew out of South Korea on Saturday and arrived in Atlanta at midnight Saturday/Sunday morning. I wanted to publish a Dear Diary #8 on Sunday but jetlag has been hitting me hard this time. This is the first time I’ve touched my laptop in a week! Can you believe that?
Last week, was my last week of school so I was busy every day with studying or testing or meeting up with friends before I left South Korea. On Friday, I did some last-minute shopping and hang out with a friend in Hongdae and then I tried to stay up all night so I could sleep on my 12-hour flight. On Saturday, I flew out of South Korea to Canada and then arrived in Atlanta at midnight. Even though I was in the air for a total of 15-hours the flights went by really fast!
I flew out of South Korea out the day before they released information about all the Coronavirus. I originally planned on only staying in the US for 2 weeks because that’s how long my school break was but because of the virus, they’re postponed the Spring semester by another week. However, my flight had rescheduling issues so I was able to push back my stay into 3 weeks! Due to everything that’s happening in South Korea right now though, I’m not sure what’s going to happen next. Time will tell I guess. I hope everything calms down soon and that everybody stays healthy!
Current favorites
Watching: Kkinotes
Playing: Adorable Home
Drinking: Hot chocolate with bunny marshmallows!
Eating: A bunch of homecooked food!
Loving: Animal Crossing: New Horizons! OMG!
Feeling: Happy to be back home 🙂
Excited for: To be home! I’m going to take it easy these next 3 weeks and just relax.
Quote: There is no place like home
Now playing
[ON] – [BTS]
1:13 ───♡──── 4:06

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