It seems like every year K-pop becomes more and more popular and that makes me happy because the K-pop music industry is fiercely competitive and it warms my heart knowing some of these groups that may have been working hard are starting to get the recognization they deserve. K-pop isn’t the only genre I listen to but it is my favorite and I’m always looking forward to new releases, which happens a lot! In only six months tons of new music was released!
It was difficult to narrow down my top favorite songs from the first half of the year because I didn’t know whether to pick popular songs or songs from groups and artists that aren’t as well know. I ended up selecting 20 songs that I’ve listened to the most and would recommend to those who are new to K-pop. I also want to suggest you listen to the full albums from iKon, Stray Kids, Winner, BTS, and NCT U because pretty much all of the songs from these albums are amazing!
Do you listen to K-pop?
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Omg so many of these songs have been on my most played lately as well!!
Bboom Bboom is probably top of the list because you just can't /not/ dance to it!
Jasmine //
It's so catchy! ♥