#1 How are you guys liking my Blogmas posts so far? If you haven’t caught up on all of my Blogmas posts I have them all linked down below.
#2 Two more weeks until Christmas and I still haven’t started Christmas shopping! Ugh! Hopefully, I will buy some gifts this weekend.
#3 The last song(s) of Day6’s EveryDay6 was released this week. I’m so sad it’s over! Day6 has quickly become one of my favorite band their music is amazing if you haven’t listened to them I highly recommend them. I really want their Moonrise album for Christmas because it comes with exclusive songs that are only available on the album. So if any of my family members are reading this….*wink wink*
#4 This dairy-free eggnog guide was very well done. Like I mentioned on my December Bucket List I want to try eggnog again. I already saw some in stores but hesitated to buy them because I still think it’s too early (Apparently, 17 days until Christmas is still too soon for me…). I’ve only tried the Silk Eggnog before and it was really sweet but I think I’m going to try the So Delicious Coconut Eggnog since it got a top rating and I know my local Target has it.
#5 Did you hear about the Starbucks Christmas Tree Frappuccino? I first saw this on somebody’s Instagram story a couple weeks ago but I didn’t know it would come to the states. It’s a mocha and peppermint base frappuccino with matcha-infused whipped cream topped with candied cranberries, caramel drizzle, and a strawberry “star”. I’m definitely going to try it!
#6 How cute is that Tsum Tsum wrapping paper! I found it at Target and it was the last roll so it was meant to be! I also found some Christmas washi tape at the Dollar Spot which I may use to decorate my gifts.
#7 It’s going to “snow” this weekend in Georgia but I doubt it. It did snow in Texas so anything is possible. Honestly, though I think we will just get some flurries or frozen rain that turns into slush. With that being said if it does snow I won’t complain because I love snow.
Posts From The Weekend

Adorable ♥
Blog de la Licorne
Adorable ♥
Blog de la Licorne
We got a lovely lush scene of snow in the part of GA I'm in! I should have stayed home from work, and almost got stuck out there in it! I hope you had a lovely view too!
We got a lovely lush scene of snow in the part of GA I'm in! I should have stayed home from work, and almost got stuck out there in it! I hope you had a lovely view too!
I was heading back home around the time the second round of heavy snow started hitting. We got 10 inches and just got our power back an hour ago!
I did enjoy seeing the snow again tho, I'm from Chicago and grew up seeing it all the time but since moving to GA I rarely see it. ♥
I was heading back home around the time the second round of heavy snow started hitting. We got 10 inches and just got our power back an hour ago!
I did enjoy seeing the snow again tho, I'm from Chicago and grew up seeing it all the time but since moving to GA I rarely see it. ♥
Thank you! ♥
Thank you! ♥
I've been obsessively listening to Day6 too! It's been the highlight of every new month for me, getting to hear their new songs, and they are always really good. I'm hinting to get the moonrise album too xx
I've been obsessively listening to Day6 too! It's been the highlight of every new month for me, getting to hear their new songs, and they are always really good. I'm hinting to get the moonrise album too xx
I looked forward to EveryDay6 every month too I'm so sad it's over! I'm thinking of making a post of my top 10 songs. ♥
I looked forward to EveryDay6 every month too I'm so sad it's over! I'm thinking of making a post of my top 10 songs. ♥