Happy Pokemon Sun and Moon day! I’m so ready to get involved in another Pokemon adventure! After having a crappy week I’m looking forward to having a weekend of nothing but Pokemon. Honestly, I don’t know why but I’ve been feeling unmotivated and sluggish this whole week. I guess all the negativity from last week carried onto this week. Thankfully, next week is Thanksgiving and that means food, which means comfort and that’s what I need right now! hehe
Favorite Posts
My Blog Writing Process
Yarn Heroes: Captain Kawaii
What Does Success Mean To You?
Things I Need To Stop Doing
My Blog Writing Process
Yarn Heroes: Captain Kawaii
What Does Success Mean To You?
Things I Need To Stop Doing
Ear Worms
Tell Me What To Do – SHINee
11:11 – TAEYEON (It was even a crappy week for music! Nothing new came out that I loved, besides SHINee’s new song. So I decided to include Taeyeon’s latest song which I’m still loving!)
Pokemon Moon (Duh!)
Blog Posts From The Week
Moana + Holiday Set Tsum Tsum Haul
Beauty Graveyard #2
Candy O’Lady One Week Candy Mask Review
Who are you picking as your starter Pokemon?

Pokemon isnt released til the 23rd in the UK and i pre-ordered mine so fingers crossed it arrives on the day. I'm going to pick Poppilo =]
Pokemon isnt released til the 23rd in the UK and i pre-ordered mine so fingers crossed it arrives on the day. I'm going to pick Poppilo =]
Really? That sucks! I'm so glad Poppilo is finally getting some love! ♥
Really? That sucks! I'm so glad Poppilo is finally getting some love! ♥