Is it just me or was this week way too long? Well, it did for me! At least one of my three weeks in Mexico is finally complete! But, I’m honestly already sick of being here! I want to go home! I wouldn’t have come if it weren’t for my younger sister’s sweet sixteen that we are going to celebrate next weekend. That’s the only reason why I am here. I could write a whole book as to why I hate visiting Mexico but I will just endure the next two weeks, at least Lucy is with us (last year I cried every night because I missed her so much!).
Currently Reading
Sharp Objects by Gillian Flynn (I won a set of Gillian Flynn not too long ago and finally reading one of them)
My Experience Using Curology
Driving To Mexico
Etude House Pink Vital Water Beauty Review
Vegan Taste Test
Driving To Mexico
Etude House Pink Vital Water Beauty Review
Vegan Taste Test
How was your weekend?

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