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☆ Summer curly hair hack: With slightly wet damp hair, apply mousse (this is the one I use) scrunch in the product, and then glaze gel (this is my favorite gel, but I’m currently using this one) over and scrunch again, then diffuse. If you have soft wavy/curly hair like mine and you are prone to frizz then this hack will help keep that curl definition that normally fizzes out in the hot humid summer heat.
☆ I joined StoryGraph! I heard about this website through a few other readers who I follow on Instagram. StoryGraph tracks all your reading information (you can import your Goodreads info) and analyzes all your reading habits and gives you stats based on your reading style. It’s really fascinating! Let me know if you’re on StoryGraph and follow me if you want to be friends.
☆ I decided to set a Goodreads goal halfway through the year, I know! The last reading goal I set for myself was a few years ago which was to read at least one book a month, at that point in my life I wasn’t reading as much as I wanted so I challenged myself because I love a good challenge! This year though, my reading has been on a roll as I am currently reading 2-3 books a month! This is why I decided to set my reading goal to read 24 books in 2023. Based on my current reading pace I should be able to accomplish this goal by the end of the year and if I read more than 24 books, that’s even better!
★ EXO – Hear Me Out
☆ I watched The Bear on Hulu this week and LOVED IT! If you haven’t seen it and you’re a foodie or into restaurant culture or second chances, then I highly recommend The Bear. It’s a quick binge with only 2 seasons and episodes running less than an hour long, I watched both seasons in like 2-3 days.
Posts From The Week
The Twos | Minor Arcana ♥ Tarot 101

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