1/7 This week started with a visit to Urgent Care. They told me to go to the Emergency Room because they were concerned that my appendix might rupture. Thankfully, that didn’t happen and it turned out it was just an ulcer. I can confirm that the ER is indeed crazy busy during a Full Moon!
2/7 HIGHLIGHT – Alone
3/7 This week I’ve had multiple visual dreams. One of my favorite dreams was one where I was crocheting clothing and accessories and a store wanted to pay me to work with them and it just felt so good for people to finally appreciate my work. What a dream it was. As a creative, all we want in the end is for people to love what we make and get paid for it. Support your creative and artistic friends!
4/7 Christmas has started too early this year, and you will not convince me otherwise
5/7 I picked up the Heartstopper graphic novel. I read it in two sittings! It’s basically the first few episodes of the Netflix series. The two are word-to-word the same but there were a few things that were kept in the graphic novel. I’m tempted to buy the rest of the graphic novels because they’re a quick read and I want to know what happens next! But I’ve made a deal with myself to finish another book that I’m also reading first before I purchase the rest of the Heartstopper book series.
6/7 TREASURE – VolKno
7/7 The new season of The Crown is back! I love The Crown and can’t wait to binge the newest season this weekend!
Posts From The Week
Week 44/52
This October
My Natural Curly Hair Journey ♥ Two Years Later
✨Have a wonderful weekend!✨

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