What I Watched
In April, I didn’t watch anything new. I rewatched old shows and complete series. If anything, this blog series has shown me that I don’t watch as many new films or television series. haha
The Gem Goddess
I went through a huge manifestation stage in April and the Gem Goddess videos have been really helpful. I especially like her manifestation techniques and water manifestation video.
What I Listened
DAY6 – The Book of Us: Negentropy – Chaos swallowed up in love
Not my favorite Day6 album but I love DAY6’s music and I did listen to it a lot My favorite song from the album was hands down so let’s love.
NU’EST – The 2nd Album ‘Romanticize’
Nu’est is one of those groups that I’ve followed since their debut (one of my favorite K-pop debuts). They’ve been through so much so seeing them succeed is amazing! This album has a lot of fantastic songs my favorites are Dress, Inside Out, and Don’t Wanna Go. All the members even have their own song which is incredible!
Kang Seung Yoon – PAGE
I’m so glad Kang Seung Yoon finally released his own album. I think he has such an interesting husky/rock-type of voice which I’m a fan of (he’s also in WINNER). There’s a total of 12 songs and a majority of the songs are amazing! Some of my favorite songs are IYAH, BRUISE, OBVIOUS, WERE WE?, and BETTER.
Things I Did
Started playing piano
In April, I started teaching myself piano. I have a keyboard that’s been living under my bed for years and during quarantine, I brought it out and played it a few times to strengthen my skills (I tried learning a few years ago) but I realized that everything I knew no longer existed in my brain so I’ve been teaching myself to the piano again. The Pianote videos have been really helpful.
What I Bought
I added to my crystal collection this month, I bought some Clear Quartz, Lapis Lazuli, Hematite, Howlite, and Rainbow Moonstone. They’re all from KomalCrystals. I’ve been meditating and working with these crystals since they arrive and I’m loving the energy they give off.
Things I Love
The Stars Made Me Do It Podcast
I found out about this podcast after one of the hosts appeared in an episode of Jim Harold’s Campfire. Thanks to my older sister, I’ve always been familiar with astrology but I only ever cared about my astrological top three (sun, rising/ascendant, and moon sign) but thanks to this podcast I’ve been learning so much more!
Final Fantasy VII Remake
I never played the original FF7 game back when it was relevant but I watched Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children so I’m somewhat familiar with the characters. It’s been fun playing FF7 and finally learning about the backstory of FF7 and the iconic Final Fantasy characters. Final Fantasy game graphics are always breathtaking. I mean have you seen any of the old FF7 screenshots? OMG! The graphics in the remake are definitely a glow-up from the original! I’m still not finished with the game (these games always take me forever) but I’m really enjoying the game so far.
Last months goals
Learn how to play guitar – FAIL
If you’ve been following my past few This Month series, you’ll know that I’ve been trying to learn guitar (keyword: TRYING) but I failed yet again due to the same reason as last month.
Schedule a visit to the dentist to get my wisdom teeth taken out – HALF CHECK
I booked and went to my wisdom teeth consultation now I need to actually schedule the appointment. I’ve had such bad luck trying to schedule dentist appointments because most of them are fully booked and have a waitlist that’s 2-3 months away. Ugh. Wish me luck, I guess. haha
Get vaccinated – HALF CHECK
I got my first dose of the Pzfer vaccine in early April. This Friday I’ll be getting the second dose of the vaccine! If you have the opportunity to get vaccinated please do. Not only for yourself but for others as well. Vaccines are the reason people live longer now. Vaccines are the reason we don’t die from diseases such as Polio or the Flu. Listen to the scientists and doctors, not to people on Facebook who failed science in school. Rant over. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.
Intermittent fasting- FAIL
Goals for next month
Upload a new Youtube video
My Youtube channel is about to reach 400 subscribers (only 4 subs away!) so if you haven’t subbed yet I would appreciate it if you did. What videos would you like to see?
Crochet a new product for my shop
I haven’t added a new item to my shop in years. I’ve been thinking of adding some bags but I’m still working on the design. I like crocheting things that serve a purpose, not just plushies/stuffed animals, they cute but just collect dust so if you have any requests let me know.
Continue practicing piano daily
I’ve decided to pivot my goal of learning guitar and switch it to learning the piano. I have keyboard headphones so it’s more convenient for me to practice when my nephew is sleeping or whatever time since the noise won’t bother anyone.
Posts I Loved
DIY Animal Crossing Money Bag Door Stop
One Month Of Learning To Crochet
The 10 Best (+Free) Photo Editing Apps to Improve Your Instagram Aesthetic
Vegan Kimchi
10 Low-Energy Daily Witchcraft Practices
Zero Waste Dog Care
How I Grew My Sunflowers
8 Journal Prompts For Manifesting
Posts From The Month
Snapshots From Lavendula ♥ Part 2
Curly Girl Method Approved Washing + Styling Products ♥ Drugstore Haul
Animal Crossing Dream Address ♥ Spring 2020
What Makeup Products I Use + How I Use Them
How was your April?

It's cool that you've been teaching yourself piano! I also have been getting back into playing my flute more often. I realize I need to get back to basics, which is mastering the major scales. I've tried guitar before but never had any luck.. flute was just more for me so even until now I still enjoy playing it even if I'm not really a pro. I subscribed to your YT channel btw! 😀
Thank you also for sharing my blog entry!! :") I realize though that I edited the permalink after I published it, so it has a new one haha.. but really, thank you so much. I hope you are having a great week so far!
Anna Jo | http://www.helloannajo.com
Why is guitar so difficult? I think I should just sign up and get a proper teacher to teach me how to play. My dad used to know but he's forgotten. I played Clarinet when I was younger but I don't currently own one. I always wanted to play the flute but my band teacher said that flute was more suited for me. haha
Thank you for subbing! I'm one step closer to 400 subscribers!
I fixed the broken link! I read your post but forgot to comment, I'll go do that now! haha ♥