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What I Watched
Behind Her Eyes
A Netflix British thriller series about a lady who gets involved in a strange relationship between her new boss and his wife.
I binged the whole series in a day! It kept me on my toes and wanting to know everything right away. At first, you think you know what’s going to happen but then they throw in a curveball that changes everything! In the end, it was amazing. I hope they make a second season!
Schitt’s Creek
Schitt’s Creek is about a rich family that is forced to give up their riches and move to the small town of Schitt’s Creek.
This show was recommended to me by my older sister (we have similar tastes so she’s always recommending me new shows and movies to watch) but I had heard of Schitt’s Creek multiple times but nobody ever explained well enough for me to be interested. However, after the first season, I was hooked! It’s a cute witty show and I love the characters so much! I’m still not done with this series yet (I swear, it takes me forever to finish anything. haha) I’m in the middle of the 5th series and I think the next season is the last so I’ll be bummed when it’s over.
The Falcon and the Winter Soldier
Sam Wilson (The Falcon) and Bucky Barnes (The Winter Soldier) team up on a global adventure that tests their abilities and patience.
I don’t like to rate shows unless I’ve watched a majority of the show but I’m so impressed with this series so far! It’s honestly like watching a Marvel movie but with two MCU side characters that you don’t see that often. WandaVisiondefinitely felt like I was watching a mini-series (the last episode was the only episode I thought felt cinematic) but with Falcon and the Winter Solider, it feels like you’re watching a movie. I’m looking forward to the remaining 3 episodes (this series only has 6 episodes! why!) and how they wrap it up.
What I Listened
NCT – Faded In My Last Song
I rediscovered this song and OMG it’s been stuck in my head for weeks!
IU 5th Album ‘LILAC’
An IU album is always something I look forward to, I was listening to Palette just a few days before LILAC was released! This is the perfect album to listen to during spring to get you in that spring mood.
WayV – Kick Back – The 3rd Mini album
In the past month, I’ve started becoming more of a fan of WayV, they are a part of NCT so I was already familiar with them and a fan of their music but I started watching more of their variety shows and vlogs on Youtube and I’ve become a bigger fan than before so when I heard they were releasing their third mini album I was beyond excited! Every song is amazing! I’ve listened to the entire mini-album probably over a hundred times so you can say I’m a little obsessed. haha
A throwback! I played some songs in the car the other day and wow it’s been a while! I know, I listen to a lot of K-pop but I’ll always have a rock soul inside of me. haha
Things I Did
Got sick
Don’t worry it was only a cold but nonetheless, I got sick. I blame my nephew because kids are walking little diseases. No, but really, I’ve been very good about staying home through the whole pandemic so I was shocked to get sick. haha
Took an Online Buddhism Class
One of my favorite things to do is search Coursera for free courses, I took the ‘The Science of Well-Being’ a few years ago by doing. I saw that ‘Buddhism and Modern Psychology Class’ was available so I signed up. I’ve always been curious about Buddhism, any religion that doesn’t preach down your throat is interesting to me. It’s a 6-week course but you can go at whatever pace you like since it’s a free course and all. It took me about a month to complete and after taking this course, I can proudly say that Buddhism isn’t for me. I have mad respect for Buddhists and their beliefs but I don’t think I could disconnect myself completely (my Taurus moon won’t let me). There is nothing wrong with implementing a little bit of Buddhism into your lifestyle but I think if you’re only labeling yourself a Buddhist to be trendy or different without knowing anything then I would recommend you learn at least a little bit. I see people all the time labeling themselves as Buddhists and then flaunting their material possessions and the one thing I learn from taking this class is that Buddhists aren’t attached to anything or anyone, even themselves. There’s a lot more to Buddhism than the aesthetic that comes to your mind when you think of Buddhism. Anyways, it’s a really fascinating course to take if you’re interested, I would recommend it. I’ll just remain agnostic. lol
What I Bought
Moonology Oracle Cards
These literally just arrived a few days ago so it’s a very recent purchase but I’m so happy to finally have these cards in my hands. I’ve been holding off to purchase these oracle cards for a while but I’m glad I held off because I was able to buy these on sale for $9!
Forcing myself to like kimchi because I’ll eventually go back to South Korea and they eat kimchi with almost every meal. I don’t mind the taste of kimchi but it’s not something I would eat if it was on a table. I’ve already made a few dishes but if any of you have any vegetarian-friendly recipes let me know.
Things I Love
Sanrio Amiibo Cards
I’m so happy to finally be able to use the Sanrio Amiibo cards in Animal Crossing again! I bought these back when they were released in Japan so my cards are all in Japanese but I don’t mind. All the Sanrio items are so adorable and I’ve been working on adding Sanrio-themed areas to my island.
Last months goals
Learn how to play guitar – FAIL
I started babysitting my nephew in March which made finding time to play guitar difficult and so I failed this goal. I’ll try to find some time next month.
1000Ab Challenge – CHECK
The first few days of this challenge left me so sore! By the last day of this challenge, it took me almost an hour to complete the entire workout! If you plan on doing this challenge make sure you properly stretch (not just the stretches in the videos) after you complete the exercises for the day.
Intermittent fasting- FAIL
I started strong with this goal but around the second week of March, I got a cold which threw off my eating schedule for the day. I’ll also be attempting this goal again next month.
Goals for next month
Schedule a visit to the dentist to get my wisdom teeth taken out
Yup, I still haven’t done this and it’s been a couple of months. My phone anxiety is that bad but I know it’s something I have to do so wish me luck!
Get vaccinated
Georiga has now allowed anyone over the age of 16 to get vaccinated so my goal for April is to either schedule an appointment or at least get my first vaccine. I would love to get it as soon as possible because then I can start planning my trip back to South Korea.
Posts I Loved
Stop Asian Hate Is More Than a Hashtag for Me, It’s a Movement – Let’s Move
Let’s recognize our own racism
Homemade London Fog with Oat Milk
7 Ways To Tune In To Your Inner Voice
What having multiple hobbies have taught me
6 tips for Instagram Growth in 2021
20 Things to Remember When Rejection Hurts
Blended Vegan Baked Oatmeal
Video Games By Women Developers You Should Play
Posts From The Month
A Year of Yoga + Meditation
The ABCs of K-Pop Playlist ♥ 2017
My Favorite Crystals + How I Use Them
My Updated Curly Girl Method Routine ♥ Washing + Styling
How was your month?

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