– The Insight Timer app for reminding me to meditate daily. I recommend this app for those who want a FREE meditation app.
– My baby nephew lifting his hands in my direction so I can hold him. He is so precious! 😭
– Pulling out positive Tarot cards in a year ahead spread. Let’s hope 2021 is as good as the cards say. haha
– Pain au Chocolat paired with a refreshing iced latte
– Loving how my curls look daily because of the Curly Girl Method
– Nam Joo-hyuk knitting in the drama, Start-Up 😍
– Making cute resin charms with my younger sister
– Chopped salads
– A cozy night in watching The Great British Baking Show Bake-Off. Who do you think will win this season?
– Resting my dark-haired curls on silk satin pillowcases at nighttime
– The smell of white lavender sage cleansing away my troubles
– The Child being absolutely adorable in The Mandalorian. I literally can’t help but smile seeing his baby face!
– Watching my dad put up our Christmas tree early! We still haven’t decorated it yet though. lol
– Anticipating all the delicious food that awaits us, American folks, on Thanksgiving. What’s your favorite Thanksgiving food? Mine is mashed potatoes!
– Proud of all the crochet creations that I will be posting in my shop later this week. Just need to take pretty pictures!
What lovely things have recently happened to you?

My sister got me to watch the Mandalorian a few days ago and it was pretty good… Baby Yoda is definitely adorable!
Jenna ♥
Stay in touch? Life of an Earth Muffin
Ah I love that you've been watching the Bake-off! I wasn't too invested in this season, as my favourites were voted off so early, but I'm happy with the winner (:
I'm really loving the new season! Me and my sister's are obsessed with Baby Yoda! We're always buying each other Baby Yoda merch and sending each other memes. haha ♥
I didn't really have any favorites this season but I'm really happy with the winner as well! ♥