What happened this week
If I was still in South Korea this would’ve been my last week in Seoul. It’s amazing how fast time has passed! I often wonder what would’ve happened if I decided to go back to Korea when I was supposed to. Trying to convince me that staying in the US was the best option though. I’m still planning on going back to continue my Korean studies but not sure when it will be safe to travel abroad again. Hopefully soon!
In other news, this week I left the house three times! I don’t even think I left the house that many times for the entire month of April! Obviously, I took the proper safety measures by wearing masks and washing my hands before and after each store visit. It was nice to leave the house, even though I’m a homebody leaving the house is important because you don’t want your home to feel like a jail.
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Current favorites
Watching: Space Force
Playing: Animal Crossing New Horizons
Reading: Emily of New Moon by LM Montgomery
Drinking: Iced green tea lattes
Eating: Watermelon jam on toast
Loving: Shopping at Trader Joe’s! We adventured out to Trader Joe’s this week. I live an hour away from the closest TJ’s but I just love Trader Joe’s because they have such interesting products at a reasonable price.
Listening: TOMORROW X TOGETHER The Dream Chapter: ETERNITY – EP
Excited for: The wedding event on Animal Crossing! It starts on June 1st!
Working on: Terraforming my entire island on ACNH. Last weekend, instead of starting Pokemon I decided to redo my island on ACNH. My island in a mess right now but I’m having fun trying to find new homes for everything. Haha
Posts from the week
Lovely Things
Now playing
[Candy] – [BAEKHYUN]
1:04 ───♡──── 3:47

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