Watching: High Vibe Honey
Eating: Macarons from Paris
Loving: That Lucy hasn’t left my side since coming back.
Feeling: So grateful of everything that’s happened these past couples of months.
Listening: AKMU – SAILING
Excited for: To catch up on a bunch of shows, podcasts, and blogs this weekend.
Working on: Trying to get back to my regular routine after being on vacation.
Quote: Any old fool can find something to moan about, but it takes skill and effort to see the good in life. Being happy requires strength and intelligence.
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This is one of my favourite "Currently" posts of yours! You seem a lot happier than usual and I love that. I'm so glad your trip to Paris did you so good (even if I AM still super jealous!) 💕 The unconditional love of a pet sounds lovely too ☺️
Aww, thank you, Indya! I really enjoyed going to Paris and hope that you get the chance to go one day. There's a lot of exciting changes happening in my life soon that I can't wait to share with you all. When everything is settled I will share this news in a separate blog post. ♥