#1 This week was really busy for me! My entire week revolved around updating my Etsy shop before Friday. This is why I didn’t publish any blog posts this week. I will resume my regular schedule next week, which will be the last week before Blogmas starts! Where did the time go? By the way, I’m currently running a 20% off your entire order. No minimum. Sale ends 11/27. Use code ‘BLACKFRIDAY’.
#2 When I wasn’t working on my shop I was focusing on upcoming my Patreon and Blogmas posts. At times I felt like I was working too much but then I felt like I wasn’t working enough. This is something a lot of freelancers struggle with, not knowing when to “switch off”. Sometimes, I feel like I’m putting too much energy into something that doesn’t pay off as much as I would like it to, which is disheartening.
#3 Yesterday was Thanksgiving in the states. I know my readers are from all over the world so I know most of you don’t celebrate it but Thanksgiving is basically the kickoff to the holiday season. There are so many Black Friday sales going on this weekend, it’s really overwhelming! A lot of small businesses are also running not-as-insane offers but if you would like to support a small business I highly encourage you to support at least one small shop this holiday season, whether it be online or local.
#4 I listed some of my current favorites songs below. You can listen to these songs along with more on my blog playlist which is located on the side of my blog.
EXID – I Love You
Highlight – Loved
Lena Park – The End
SAM KIM – It’s You (feat. Zico)
Rick Bridges – Deuces (feat. Punchnello)
#7 I’m extending my IKON giveaway another 2 weeks. This giveaway isn’t doing as well as I hoped (what? do you guys, not like IKON? They’re amazing!) so I’m extending the deadline hoping that more people will join. Enter here.
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I'm sorry to hear that you don't enjoy participating in family events, but I'm glad you've stopped forcing yourself to do things that don't make you happy. You deserve to spend time with people who appreciate you, nothing less. I hope this holiday season is a nice one for you 💕