#1 Did anyone seen the League Of Legends opening ceremony? OMG! The K/DA performance with (G)I-DLE was outstanding! I’ve got the song stuck in my head all week! I’ve never played LOL but that song makes me interested in playing. Does anyone play LOL, should I start?
#2 This week Covergirl announced that they’re cruelty-free! This now means that Covergirl and Dove, two huge beauty companies are cruelty-free. Earlier this year California passed a law that bans cosmetics by animal-tested companies so I’m pretty sure this is why Dove and Covergirl decided to go cruelty-free. It makes me really happy that people finally care about animal testing and I hope that this encourages other huge companies to go cruelty-free.
#3 On Tuesday, I voted for the third time in my life. Out of all the times, I’ve voted this was the most crowded, I had to wait in line for 30 minutes! This is my mom’s second time voting since becoming an official US citizen. It’s funny a funny years ago I would say that I don’t care for politics but it’s really important to keep an eye on what’s happening where you live.
#4 I don’t watch Youtube that much anymore but I discovered a new Youtube channel called Sueddu. The videography of this channel is stunning! I love how relaxing her videos are and have been slowing bingeing the whole channel.
#5 If you click on the ‘pattern‘ tab on my blog then you will notice that I’ve updated my pattern page. I added some info and organized my patterns into 3 categories, beginner, beginner-intermediate, and intermediate to make things easier for you.
#6 With the holidays coming up I want to add some new products to my shop. What would you guys like to see in my shop? More Dolls? Crochet paintings? New items? I’m always looking for feedback because I always second guess and doubt myself so any type of feedback is welcomed, even if it’s negative.
#7 There is still plenty of time to join my IKON Fan Stick Plush Giveaway! By the way, there are so many comebacks happening this month I have no idea who I’m going to choose for this months K-pop fan stick plush.
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