#1 On Monday, we had a round of strong severe storms pass by where we live. For those who don’t know severe weather (especially tornadoes) are my number one fear. I was mentally preparing myself for this weather all day but I will still very anxious when it arrived. Thankfully, we didn’t get any tornadoes where I live just very strong wind and rain.
#2 Have you guys heard the Goop Podcast episode with Oprah? OMG! I learned so much and feel completely inspired! I highly recommend you guys listen to that episode. #Oprah2020
#3 I started practicing my splits again. This was one of my goals for this year but after my month-long yoga journey in January my body got really stiff (you would think the opposite would happen). Then in February I kind of injured my right knee (don’t know how) so I took a break but now I’m back at it. My goal is to improve my flexibility but I would love to be able to sit comfortably in a split position. Wish me luck!
#4 Earlier this week Kaila from Rainbowholic posted a negative message that she received on Twitter. Some might say that this comment was “constructive criticism“ but this wasn’t the first time she posted a comment like this so I decided to message her saying how much I appreciate what she does because she truly inspires me and she responded back saying that it made her day. Long story short, send a message to someone who inspires you because you never know what they are dealing with and that one positive message can change their entire day.
#5 My Target finally got the Halo Top dairy-free pancake and waffles ice cream frozen dessert! It’s amazing! I love the dairy-free Halo Top ice cream because you don’t feel guilty eating a whole pint. I highly recommend them especially if you’re not a fan of chocolate ice cream because they have unique flavors.
#6 OMG! Found / Tonight by Ben Platt and Lin-Manuel Miranda is outstanding! I listened to The Greatest Showman soundtrack this week. I can’t get The Greatest Show and This is Me out of my head. That’s right, your girl loves musicals too!
#7 I’ve been getting so many headaches recently and I don’t know why. They started earlier this week and have been happening every night since! It’s not my whole head either just the back right side of my head which is odd. They aren’t too painful just annoying.
Posts from the week

It's been pretty stormy where I live too, but we don't get tornadoes or anything like that here so it's not too bad. As someone whose house has burn down due to a very long string of bush fires, I understand your fear of natural disasters! Hopefully everything quietens down where you live soon.
I've also been making a point to leave comments on more Instagram photos, even of the really "famous" bloggers, and it's been so nice to have them reply to me and tell me how much my comment means to them! Making someone you admire happy is an awesome feeling.
We literally get every type pf weather where I live. Once tornado season is over hurricane season starts. Last year we started to get more wild fires which just adds to my fear of natural disasters. It doesn't help that most of my family members don't take this type of stuff serious either (my mom slept through the entire tornado watch!).
I always thought that if I left a comment on more popular accounts that they would never read or see my comment because they get a lot of comments. However, you do feel good after leaving that comment and even better when they acknowledged it. ♥
I really need to get back into yoga! I've hardly done any this year. We don't have many storms where I am, I can't even imagine how scary they must be.
Steph – http://www.nourishmeblog.co.uk
I recommend you check out yoga with Adriene on Youtube if you want to get back into yoga. ♥
I must say I really am a fan of your coffee chats,whenever I see it in my inbox. I agree, Oprah Winfrey really is a living inspiration and I'm glad she's getting the hype she deserves, being in a Wrinkle Of Time and all.
#sweetreats xx http://www.bakingboutiquebirds.blogspot.co.uk/
I'm glad you look forward to my coffee chats. ♥
I'm pretty sure I read on another post that we live in the same state, and boy was that weather crazy! I moved to an area that's north of the main city, and I think it's made it so that I experience everything lol. The snow was crazier this year, and this past storm was like non-stop lightening and hail! I was debating weather or not to sleep in the closet, in case a tornado came in my slumber!
You inspire me quite a lot! I was in a slump of blogging, and you reanimated my desire for it. Your posts are so pleasing to look at and fun to read!
I had a week long headache on the left side of my head, and googled it to see what could be the issue. I suffer from anxiety and stress, and was sure that was it but it was actually my improper eating that was getting me. I hope you can figure it out, and make em disappear!
Yeah I live in northern Georgia and we get all types of weather here! I didn't mind the snow but strong storms though… I grabbed my dog and waited downstairs until the storms passed. Thankfully nothing happened to us.
Maybe my headaches could be due to my poor diet, I've been lazy and haven't eaten the most healthiest. haha
Thank you for the nice comment it made my day! ♥
1. I'm glad there didn't turn out to be a tornado! 3. I used to do ballet in elementary school and so could do the splits quite easily, but I haven't tried a split in years and definitely couldn't do it anymore! I remember that middle school boys would always be super impressed by splits, and maybe a little bit scared too haha. 4. This is so sweet! Yes to spreading the love <3 6. I liked Lin-Manuel Miranda's page on Facebook, so when he shared his collaboration with Ben Platt, I clicked on it immediately! Two wonderful and talented humans <3 Also I watched The Greatest Showman for the first time a few weeks ago and I couldn't stop playing the soundtrack for the next two weeks! Before watching the film, I was already obsessed with Rewrite the Stars, and after watching the film, I also got obsessed with A Million Dreams and Never Enough :3 7. Oh noo ): I often get headaches when I'm stressed or don't get enough sleep. To soothe my headaches, I usually take a nap (unless my head hurts too much to relax like that), or I use peppermint essential oils! -Audrey | Brunch at Audrey's
Thank for you comments! I thought my headaches could be because of sleep because I go to sleep every late and wake up early so that could explain why my headaches happen at night. I have a room spray, pillow mist and roller ball, all lavender scented which helps me calm down and relax at night. ♥