#1 I’m honestly overwhelmed with the amount of Blogmas and Vlogmas content going on. I’m trying my hardest to read and comment on as many blogs as I can. Plus I still have to edit all of my Blogmas posts and I still have some DIYs that I still have to make.
#2 Aggretsuko is coming to Netflix in Spring 2018! There are a few Aggretsuko videos on Youtube but most of the episodes aren’t English subbed so I haven’t watched most of the episodes but I’m so excited that it’s coming to Netflix next year! If there was a character that best described me it would definitely be Aggretsuko. She’s tiny, adorable, modest, and quiet but if you cross her she will curse you out! That’s me in a nutshell.
#3 So many K-pop Christmas songs came out this week but Twice’s “Heart Shaker” is my favorite!
Don’t worry I will be posting a winter playlist later this month. Should I post it on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day?
Don’t worry I will be posting a winter playlist later this month. Should I post it on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day?
#4 10 more days until Christmas! Ahhhh! I bought some gifts this week but I still need to finish Christmas shopping.
#5 Someone messaged me on Etsy asking me to make more sleep masks. For those who didn’t know I used to crochet sleep masks all the time and sell them in my Etsy shop but stopped because I was making more then I was selling so I gave up. I still have them stored in a box though. I was thinking of posting them again but not sure.
#6 The whole Net Neutrality thing is so scary. Are we going to have to pay to use every network now?
#7 As the year ends I’m already thinking of a new weekly feature for 2018. What would you guys like to see? Yes, I’m the most indecisive person in the world!
Blogmas Posts

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