On the twelveth day of 12 Days of DIY, I crocheted for you, a Lil Judd plush! I can’t believe I completed another year of 12 Days of DIY. Honestly, I didn’t think I was going to make it this year because when December started I only had half of my projects finished so I was stressed out most of the month trying to finish, edit, and post these projects so I hope you enjoy another year of DIYs.
Today’s crochet pattern is on Li’l Judd from Splatoon 2. Ever since Splatoon 2 came out I’ve been obsessed with Li’l Judd! He’s the smaller and cuter version of the Judd with a more faded coat. He represents the opposing team and celebrates when you lose. I wanted to crochet something from Splatoon 2 since the game was released but didn’t know what so I went with Li’l Judd.
– Bulky white yarn
– Bulky grey yarn
– K/6.50 mm crochet hook
– I/5.50 mm crochet hook
– Yarn needle
– Polyfil stuffing
– Black felt
– Pink felt
– Scissors
– Glue
Ch(s) – chain(es)
St(s) – stitch(es)
Slst – slip stitch
Slst – slip stitch
Sc – single crochet
Dc – double crochet
Dec – decrease
(x2) – repeat __ amount of times
Head (make 2)
– Magic circle, 10 dc sts. Total = 10 sts
– 2 dc in each st (x10). Total = 20 sts
– 2 dc in next st, dc 1 st. Total = 30 sts
– 2 dc in next st, dc 2 sts (x10). Total = 40 sts
– 2 dc in next st, dc 1 st. Total = 60 sts
– Dc 60 sts. Total = 60 sts
Cut off, leave long tail
Ears (make 2)
– Magic circle, 5 sc sts. Total = 5 sts
– 2 sc in each st (x5). Total = 10 sts
– Sc 10 sts. Total = 10 sts
– 2 sc in next st, sc 1 sts (x5). Total = 15 sts
– Sc 15 sts (x2). Total = 15 sts
Cut off, leave long tail
Large spot
– Ch 6, sc 5 sts. Total = 5 sts
– Ch 1, 2 sc in first and last st, sc middle. Total = 7 sts
– Ch1, 2 sc in first and last st, sc middle. Total = 9 sts
– Ch 1, sc 9 sts. Total = 9 sts
– Ch 1, 2 sc in first and last st, sc middle. Total = 11 sts
– Ch1, 2 sc in first and last st, sc middle. Total = 13 sts
– Ch 1, 2 sc in first and last st, sc middle. Total = 15 sts
– Ch 1, sc 15 sts. Total = 15 sts
– Ch 1, 2 sc in first and last st, sc middle. Total = 17 sts
Cut off, leave long tail
Small spot
– Magic circle, 6 sc sts. Total = 6 sts
– 2 sc in each st (x6). Total = 12 sts
– 2 sc in next st, sc 1 sts (x6). Total = 18 sts
Cut off, leave long tail
Cut out the two circles in the black felt for eyes. Two triangles and an upside-down heart in the pink felt for the ears and nose. Glue everything down.
Remember to add Li’l Judd’s smaller mole too!
Sew the grey spots first. Next glue the felt pieces at the appropriate areas. Next, attach the ears to the front and back of the circles. Leave 10 sts between the ears. Finally, sew the two circles together but before you sew it completely stuff with polyfill stuffing. Now you have yourself a Li’l Judd pillow!
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