#1 It’s finally officially autumn! Even though it’s still unseasonably warm where I live. Last week it was starting to get cooler and now it’s getting hotter and I can’t stand it! I just want to wear sweaters and boots!
#2 It’s my dad’s birthday today so he and my mom went on a birthday trip leaving my sisters and I have the house to ourselves. Yas!
#3 I finished burning my fourth candle the other day. That means I have three candles left to finish. So far I’m doing really well with this monthly goal.
#4 Can you believe we only have one more week of September? This month really flew by! We are finally getting into the last three months which I also think are the most exciting.
#5 This post about not following the traditional life plan really spoke out to me. I love it when I can relate to bloggers and connect to them in a personal way.
#6 BTS, IU and The Killer’s all drop new albums. Plus, I’m probably missing a few others. I will be listening to new tunes all this weekend.
#7 I also don’t have work for the next couple of days because my dad is also my boss. I intend on using these days to plan out Blogtober posts and craft.
Posts From The Week

I feel you on that life plan thing. I am nowhere near where I thought I'd be in life, and I honestly don't know when – or how – I will ever get there. It's terrifying, but it is very common, which makes me feel a little better. Your 20's and 30's are for figuring things like that out – and really, the most important thing in life is that you're happy and healthy. Don't let the other stuff get you down! xx
Indya || tinyurl.com/thesmalladventurer
I feel you on that life plan thing. I am nowhere near where I thought I'd be in life, and I honestly don't know when – or how – I will ever get there. It's terrifying, but it is very common, which makes me feel a little better. Your 20's and 30's are for figuring things like that out – and really, the most important thing in life is that you're happy and healthy. Don't let the other stuff get you down! xx
Indya || tinyurl.com/thesmalladventurer