– That clean fluffy look after giving your scalp a deep clean
– Cherry grape tomatoes. Why are they so darn cute tho?
– When your dog looks and smells clean
– This sensual yoga practice (perfect for Taurus season!)
– Listening to an audiobook instead of reading a physical book
– The fragrant smell of cherry and cranberry scones
– When a breakout finally starts to fade
– The hydrated shine of Vaseline on your face (hot tip: dab some Vaseline around your eyes if you don’t have an eye cream)
– When a long-term problem finally gets solved
– When your skin looks naturally dewy without makeup
– A well-deserved nap after cleaning all morning
– Excited for all the K-pop groups making a summer comeback!
– The refreshing taste of mango mouse cake
– Finally being able to breathe through your nose after being sick and having it clogged
What moments have felt magical to you?

Nothing better than a deep scalp clean on a Sunday night! The Big Shower always makes me feel so refreshed. And mango mousse cake sounds just delicious!
Yes! A pre-oil treatment and deep scalp cleanse followed by a nourishing hair mask, my go-to big shower hair routine. My hair feels and looks so nice afterward! ♥