Playing: Overwatch for the Nintendo Switch
Eating: Starbucks snowman sugar cookie (did you know I crocheted my own a few years ago?)
Loving: My new blog layout! I love that it looks clean yet still has my colorful personality. A big thank you to Gabriela!
Feeling: Accomplished
Listening: ZICO – Thinkin Part.2 – EP (the entire EP is amazing and unlike anything ZICO has released! Love it!)
Excited for: Spending this last week with my family.
Working on: On Tuesday, I spent all day fixing up broken links and deleting old posts that I thought no longer served my blog. When I was going through old posts I realized that I’ve probably written over 1000+ blog posts. Amazing! I also noticed that my blogging style didn’t really develop until 2017, anything before 2017 is just embarrassing (but I still kept many posts from those years). haha
Practicing: I’m going to start packing for South Korea this weekend. It’s crazy to think that this time next week will be my last full day at home. *silently freaking out*
Practicing: I’m going to start packing for South Korea this weekend. It’s crazy to think that this time next week will be my last full day at home. *silently freaking out*
Quote: Life is really not easy. you’re allowed to struggle and have stumbles… tears are ok. sadness is ok. ask for help when you need it and don’t bottle it up. we’ll stumble our way to where we’re supposed to be.
Posts from the week
What do you think of the new blog layout?

I really want to watch Disney+ but I'm not sure if it's available in my country because I really looking forward to the new Lizzie McGuire. Been a fan of her since I was 12. I can't afford to miss it. But I'll try to dig more about how to get access to Disney+.
Oh that Starbucks Snowman Sugar Cookie is a thing here right now and I can't wait to try it.
I've been working on deleting and fixing old posts on my blog too. It may take a while and I even thought of putting my blog on private but I thought no one would really go back and read it anyway so there's no need to go private. I'll just do it slowly.
Lizzie McGuire was my favorite show too! I should've watched more before coming to Korea because it's not avaible here. 🙁
When I first discovered your blog, I went back and read your old posts and really enojyed them. haha ♥