#1 A new thing I’ve been trying to incorporate into my life is to organize something when I’m feeling lazy or upset. It can be anything! Computer files, nail polishes, stationery, books, etc. I recently organized my Pinterest boards. When I first signed up I was obsessed with Pinterest but when they changed the algorithm I found it really annoying and lost interest. Anyways, I updated my page so go take a look and give me a follow because I still somewhat actively Pin.
#2 Can you believe it’s almost summer? I have a love and hate relationship. I hate the weather but I love to produce summer content for my blog, it’s the only thing that keeps me going during summer. Let me know if you have any requests.
#3 I really loved Kaila’s post on how she created her own luck. She really inspires me to chase after my dreams and the post was released at the perfect time because I was having a really crappy day. Seeing baby Kaila was super cute too! hehe
#4 Another post I really loved reading was this post on how to get stuff done when you’re in a serious funk. Like I said, I haven’t been feeling well and this post was definitely helpful.
#5 The new season of Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt was released this week and guess who binged watched it? Me! I’m so sad that they decided to make this the last season and cut the episodes in half.
#6 I also started watching Hello My Twenties on Netflix. It’s this Korean drama about the lives of five girls who are housemates and how they battle their twenties. The acting isn’t the best but I think it’s a realistic portrayal of how girls act when living with each other.
#7 I’m going to work on my About Me page this weekend. What would you guys like to know about me?
Posts from the week

Where has our spring gone? Why are we already hitting hundred temperature days T_T?! I'm so not having fun in this southern heat, but am also very happy about producing some summer fun content! I'm going to check out that Hello My Twenties show! Hopefully the acting isn't too bad.
Right? I feel like we had a rainy Spring so we weren't able to enjoy it. The show is very cute and lighthearted but there are some cringy moments. haha ♥