Hi there! Sorry for the impromptu break but I was sick most of last week and was bedridden for 3 of those days and didn’t open my laptop at all for obvious reasons. I will resume my regular blogging schedule this week so I look forward to those new posts coming this week. Anyways, today I have another ‘Day In Numbers’ for you guys but sick edition! I’ve posted a couple of these posts in the past and you guys seem to like them so I tracked my sick week in numbers. Hopefully, this version is just as interesting.
5 total days I was sick
6 pm, the time in which it started to snow last Tuesday
3 more “snow days” my younger sister got off from school
4 pillows I stacked to keep my head propped up whilst I slept
2 bowls of veggie noodle soup I ate
22 wads of tissue I threw away (all from one day)
20+ times I tossed and turned trying to find a comfy spot to sleep #insomia
5 cups of Thermaflu I drank (that stuff really helps!)
30 ml of DayQuil I drank every 4 fours for 3 days in a row. You do the math.
5 days of yoga I missed
243738473 cups of tea I drank (I finished 2 boxes!)
5 cups of Thermaflu I drank (that stuff really helps!)
30 ml of DayQuil I drank every 4 fours for 3 days in a row. You do the math.
5 days of yoga I missed
243738473 cups of tea I drank (I finished 2 boxes!)
30+ times I thought about having an iced coffee
11 pm the time I went to make some iced coffee because I missed it so much! #coffeeaddict
11 pm the time I went to make some iced coffee because I missed it so much! #coffeeaddict
3 “play of the game” I got this weekend playing Overwatch! #nerfthis
31 songs I currently have on my January 2018 playlist #kpoptrashproblems
10 Disney movies I watched while sick
5 times I woke up choking because of my darn itchy throat! Fun fact: I try to always have water on hand with me because I’m scared I’m going to die of choking. #paranoid
3 different sweaters Lucy wore this week
3 different sweaters Lucy wore this week
10 Nature Republic sheet masks I received in the mail
34 items I have in my Etsy shopping cart but I won’t buy because #broke
4 mugs I would switch in and out of tea sessions
3 different colored skeins of yarn I have sitting on my desk
5 pm the time I woke up on Sunday
18 more days until the 2018 Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang, South Korea! I’m so excited!
6 7 hast tags I posted in this post because I’m #annoying
5 pm the time I woke up on Sunday
18 more days until the 2018 Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang, South Korea! I’m so excited!
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I've been really sick and struggling through daily life to these past couple of weeks but I'm starting to feel better now I'm giving myself some rest so I hope you feel better soon and get lots of rest and recovery time xoxo
♥ Cateaclysmic ♥
I'm feeling a lot better now, thank you! I hope you get well soon! ♥
Hope you feel better now ☃ ❄
Blog de la Licorne
I do! Thank you ♥