#1 Ayumi Seto is one of my favorite Harajuku models. Even though her style isn’t my cup of tea (I’m more into pastel colors and girly) I can still appreciate it. I really admire her for many reasons. Kidult Girl is her second style book. I ordered last summer and it arrived all wet and damaged (I got my money back). It’s not too damaged where I can’t read it but the pages are wrinkly. I’ve thought about ordering another copy but I think it’s unnecessary because I can still open and look through the book (you can’t even tell it looks damaged in the picture!). What would you do?
#2 After I read Lauren’s post I am so glad I’m not the only person who feels like this about connecting with people online. I know some people find communicating with people online easier than in real life but I find both very difficult. I’m very awkward and horrible with small and never know when to stop a conversation. However, whenever I’ve reached out to people online they’ve been incredibly sweet so I would take the chance and communicate with someone because you never know when you could meet a new friend!
#3 On Wednesday we had a tornado and serve t-storm weather watch, which I had to deal with alone because my family went out and left me home alone. I’ve mentioned before that I’m terrified of tornadoes and any serve weather. I freak out so much and I hate the feeling I get when this happens. I live in the southeast which is prone to tornadoes and hurricanes but as I get older I think my anxiety has gotten worse. Any advice?
#4 Girls’ Generations Taeyeon released her album this week and I surprisingly love it! I haven’t always been a fan of her past singles but a lot of the songs on My Voice are better than her singles. My favorite songs are Fine, Cover Up, Feel So Fine, Fire and Eraser.
#5 Last night I went to sleep at 4 am. At the begin of February, I was going to sleep before 1 am and now my schedule is messed up again. This happens at least once a month and I just have to deal with it.
#6 The Nintendo Switch came out today. I’m not buying one until Splatoon 2 and Mario Kart Deluxe are released because those are the only two games I really want to play. I hope they release another color because I’m not a fan of the dark gray color.

If you really love to collect and read through style books such as Kidult Girl, then there's nothing wrong with ordering another one. You're allowed to want nice things, and you got your money back so it's not like you're spending the same amount all over again.
I still get nervous talking to people online too, but it also makes me really happy. I've "met" so many lovely people already and it genuinely makes my day better, so I do try to branch out and talk to new people – but it is still scary, so don't beat yourself up about it!
I am sorry that you were left alone during scary weather. We don't get things like tornadoes and hurricanes where I live, but I'm still terrified of heavy rain and wind, so I can't imagine how you feel. I don't have any advice – mostly because I can't even get over my own fears – just know that your feelings are valid. ❤️
If you really love to collect and read through style books such as Kidult Girl, then there's nothing wrong with ordering another one. You're allowed to want nice things, and you got your money back so it's not like you're spending the same amount all over again.
I still get nervous talking to people online too, but it also makes me really happy. I've "met" so many lovely people already and it genuinely makes my day better, so I do try to branch out and talk to new people – but it is still scary, so don't beat yourself up about it!
I am sorry that you were left alone during scary weather. We don't get things like tornadoes and hurricanes where I live, but I'm still terrified of heavy rain and wind, so I can't imagine how you feel. I don't have any advice – mostly because I can't even get over my own fears – just know that your feelings are valid. ❤️
My main concern about ordering another book is that I will have two copies and I don't know what I would do with another the book. Keep it or throw it out? It's not damaged that badly so I would feel guilty throwing away.
I'm glad you understand my feels about the weather. When I tell my family they say that I am overreacting but I'm just scared and need comfort. When it's really windy I just pop on my headphones and drown out the sound out but when there is serve weather I don't know what to do because I need to stay alert and watching the weather news just makes my anxiety worse. ♥
My main concern about ordering another book is that I will have two copies and I don't know what I would do with another the book. Keep it or throw it out? It's not damaged that badly so I would feel guilty throwing away.
I'm glad you understand my feels about the weather. When I tell my family they say that I am overreacting but I'm just scared and need comfort. When it's really windy I just pop on my headphones and drown out the sound out but when there is serve weather I don't know what to do because I need to stay alert and watching the weather news just makes my anxiety worse. ♥