On the twelveth day of 12 Days of DIY, I made crocheted for you, Christmas tags. It’s the final day! Can you believe we made it? For the last DIY projects, I made two Christmas themed tags that you can attach to your Christmas gifts. We only have 3 days left until Christmas so if you need a last-minute gift why not make something? I have a total of 12 gift ideas you can make (plus 36 DIYs from past previous 12 Days of DIY). I hope you enjoyed this series and Merry Christmas!
You will need
– Green worsted yarn
– Light pink worsted yarn
– White worsted yarn
– Red worsted yarn
– G/4.25 mm crochet hook
– Yarn needle
– Scissors
Ch(s) – chain(es)
St(s) – stitch(es)
Slst – slip stitch
Slst – slip stitch
Sc – single crochet
Dc – double crohet
Cc – color change
– Ch 10, slst to 1st st to form a circle. Total = 10 sts
– Sc 10 sts in the center of the circle. Total = 10 sts
Cut off, leave long tail for sewing
– Ch 5, sc starting with 2nd st from hook. Sc 4 sts. Total = 4 sts
– Sc 4 sts (x3). Total = 4 sts
Cut off, leave long tail for sewing
Gather the middle of the bow and sew in the middle to form a bow. Weave in loose ends.
Sew the bow onto the top center of the wreath. Weave in loose ends.
– Form a magic circle (wrap yarn around your fingers 2-3 times)
– With white yarn, dc 2 sts in the magic circle, cc to red or pink yarn, dc 2 sts, cc back to white (x4). Total 16 sts
Cut off, weave in ends
– With white yarn, dc 2 sts in the magic circle, cc to red or pink yarn, dc 2 sts, cc back to white (x4). Total 16 sts
Cut off, weave in ends
To attach the Christmas tags to your gift boxes weave a long sting of yarn through the tag and tie to the box.
Have you finished Christmas shopping?

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