My new monthly feature is back! Since September I’ve been sharing my monthly blogging and personal goals that I want to accomplish within the month. You can check out previous goals here.
Out of my 3 blogging goals, I only checked off one. I didn’t post any DIYs in October. I wanted to but I didn’t have any ideas that I was happy with. Hopefully, all of my DIYs in December will make up for it. I also failed at posting an Instagram photo every week. I do have pictures saved up to post on Instagram but the whole timing, editing, and theme throw me off.
1. Brainstorm December posts
For those who don’t know every December, I participate in blogmas, where I blog every day in December. Along with blogmas I also have my own series called 12 Days of DIY where I share 12 DIY projects. So, if I don’t prepare anything beforehand this can be very stressful. If any of you have any ideas or suggestions as to what projects or posts you want to see feel free to message me.
I’m happy to say that I completed all of my personal goals from last month! I didn’t work out as much as I wanted to in October. However, I’m back at work 5 times a week so I’m really proud of myself.
2. Use my Happy Planner again
2017 is just around the corner, which means new planners! The new Happy Planners are already out and there are some amazing accessories to match! To refresh my decorating memory I’ve been using my planner daily. You can view my latest planner spread here.
3. Spend Less
With Christmas quickly approaching I need to stop spending on myself and start saving. I don’t plan on buying Christmas gifts until after Thanksgiving so I need to save as much money as I can so my bank balance doesn’t cry.
Do you have any goals for November?

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