Last Saturday I received Twinkie’s second crochet book and have been crocheting food nonstop! There is so many adorable crochet projects in this book that I want to make! I started with the birthday cake toilet paper cozy but have yet to finish it (I stop at the shell border). Then I made the steak magnet last night! I gave it to Lucy as a dog toy, she loves it! I’ll make a separate post later reviewing the book and show off the projects I made so far.
This weekend I will be catching up on Sailor Moon Crystal! The newest season just started but I never finished the previous episodes so I’m excited to catch up. Speaking of Sailor Moon, last week I said I was going to crochet something Sailor Moon themed but I haven’t even started it! I received my Twinkie Chan book the following day after I typed that post so I completely forgot about it! I’m still not sure whether or not the project will come out well but I will try to get started on it this weekend. If it comes out well I will share pictures.
Skincare ingredients
Kiki’s Delivery Service
Star Wars: The Force Awakens
Sailor Moon Crystal
Blog Posts From The Week
Gold And Black Weekly Planner Spread
March 2016 Beauty Favorites
March 2016 Lifestyle Favorites
March Mask Maven First Impressions

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