I hope that you all had a Merry Christmas! If you don’t celebrate Christmas I hope you had a wonderful day yesterday. I wasn’t sure whether or not to make this post but I asked you guys on twitter and you guys said yes so I decided to post what I received on Christmas yesterday. I was pretty surprised by everything that my family got for me. I’m usually pretty good at guessing what I get but this year I didn’t even try guessing but I got some pretty amazing things and I am completely grateful for everything that I received.
My older sister got me Amiibo Festival and the Lottie Amiibo figure! I am so happy! As you guys know I really wanted this game and now I actually have it! I’ve played it a few times already and it so too adorable! If I had to pick one game to describe me it would be this game!
My older sister knits me at least one gift every year. This year she knitted me this beret in this gorgeous grayish purple color. When I tried this hat on I completely fell in love with it! It’s the perfect fit and whatever yarn or stitch she used to make this hat made it fit perfectly! She also gave me this adorable Baymax card, she knows how much I love me some Baymax!
Lucy (with the help of my sister) bought me a few Tsum Tsums. She got me Winnie the Pooh, the white rabbit from Alice And Wonderland and Ham from Toy Story! I didn’t have any of these so I’m excited to add them to my Tsum Tsum collection!
My younger sister bought me the Too Faced Chocolate Bar eye shadow palette! I wanted this palette for a while and I’m so happy to finally have it! I haven’t had an eye shadow palette like this since my first Naked palette but now I can finally throw that old thing away and use this one.
I was probably most surprised by what my mother got me for Christmas. Since my knows, I’m a huge coffee addict she bought me this cute PINK shirt that says “Prime Coffee Time”. I actually wanted this shirt ever since I saw it on the PINK website, so I was pretty surprised to see this gift! She also gave me perfume and the Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon! I was also really shocked to receive this from my mom. She’s not the biggest fan of me playing video games but since it’s Christmas she probably gave in. I’ve played it once since opening the game and so far it’s really cute!
My dad bought my sister’s and me a PS4 (not pictured). For the past few years now my dad has bought us a family present (last year was an Xbox) and this year he got us a PS4. He actually scored one up on Black Friday but we weren’t able to open it until Christmas yesterday. We are not sure what games to get yet. You guys can probably tell what type of games I’m into by now. So, f any of you have any game recommendations for the PS4 please let me know!
Here are some of the things that were hidden in my stocking. A coal cookie that my older sister made, a Tony Moly Hello Bunny perfume stick, a Minnie Tsum Tsum Lip Smacker lip balm, a My Beauty Diary sheet mask and a sleeping Eevee plush! I bought my sister’s these cute Pokemon Center plushies and had to get the Eevee plush for myself! The plushies are super cute and you can stack them on top of each other, kind of like Tsum Tsums!
This is a gift to myself but I already used it a few times. I bought this cute Betsey Johnson pancake mix purse during their Black Friday sale and it’s probably one of my favorite purchases I’ve bought in a long time! It’s the perfect size for me and the design is so cute! The hardest part is trying to coordinate an outfit to match the bag.
What did you get for Christmas?

Oooo could you do a post on that pokemon game please?
Oooo could you do a post on that pokemon game please?
Sure will! <3
Sure will! <3