#2 Last weekend we got wood floor installed upstairs in our house. They still haven’t done my room so I have to wait another week or two until I get wood flooring in my room. I can’t wait!
#3 My family is leaving me alone a week and I have a couple days off work! I love me some quality alone time so I’m going to use this week alone to do things that I’ve wanted to new things such try new recipes, watch a few new dramas, and lots of crafting!
#4 Bought some crystals. Now I don’t 100% believe in the crystals but I’m open to it. If anybody is into crystals let me know if you have any tips on how to get the best results.
#6 Two DIY projects that are on my list this weekend are a yarn bowl and this Granny square bag. Even though I’ve crocheted for 10 years I’ve never made a granny square. lol
#7 Sorry for the lack of posts this week. I don’t have an excuse I just haven’t felt motivated to publish anything. I’ve also been brainstorming ideas for Blogtober. If you would love to see anything specific let me know.
*Five more days to enter my BTS ARMY Bomb Fan Stick Plush Giveaway!!!*

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